Friday, May 27, 2011

New storefront for Prints and Greeting Cards!

Hi everyone,

I've a new storefront for prints and Greet Cards with great prices!

Greeting Cards start at $4.55 each, a pack of 10 for for $2.70ea, or a pack of 25 for $2.25 each!
Prints can be bought framed or unframed. Drop in for a visit!
Art Prints

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rose Breasted Grosbeak and Baltimore Orioles

Lemoines Point Conservation Area in Kingston rarely fails...this Grosbeak was photographed on my lunch hour just before it started to rain. I had a choice of three of these birds to shoot, then was spoiled by Baltimore Orioles before I had to head back to work. Both were taken on Canon 60D with the EF 400 5.6L series lens on a tripod.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Savannah Sparrow.

This is a good example of the benefits of being up with the sun. The lighting quality within the 1st 2 hours is, simply put, magical. The birds have been active long before the sun breaks the horizion, but those first rays of sunlight really bring them to life!

Knowing that this small country road see's very little vehicular traffic, I'm comfortable when I arrive to my spot, to pull over onto the shoulder, and turn off the ignition. Then, I roll down both front widows 3/4, leaving enough to sit my 400mm on for support. The rest is to just be patient, and be ready...they'll come on a fence, bush, or rest on one of the fence posts and invite me to take a few shots.

Then it's off to work...I do need my day job! :)

Cheers everyone!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


IMG_6773 by Michel (Mike) Soucy
IMG_6773, a photo by Michel (Mike) Soucy on Flickr.

These tupilps were taken on the side of our house mid afternoon. The light was filtering through a nearby bush, hence the light streaks on the cement wall behind the flower.

Shot taken with a Canon EOS REBEL T1i set on Shutter priority using an EF-S17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS USM lens. The exposure was taken at 53 mm for 1/750 sec at ƒ / 8.0 using digital film with a speed rating of ISO 400.


IMG_6773 by Michel (Mike) Soucy
IMG_6773, a photo by Michel (Mike) Soucy on Flickr.

The time is here for the flowers! Florals can be exciting, the colors, shapes, lines, curves, and experimenting with wonky compositions!

Friday, May 6, 2011


IMG_0394 by Michel (Mike) Soucy
IMG_0394, a photo by Michel (Mike) Soucy on Flickr.

These Cormorants were a real treat to shoot. I'm aware they they're not welcomed by a lot of folks, but for a photographer, they can be quite comical (and colorful).

The early sunlight worked really well to bring out their bills and turquoise colored eyes.

These were shot with straight 400mm, I'll start working my Kenko Pro 1.4tc next time I get out for a bit more range for close-ups.


(c) Copyright Michel (Mike) Soucy.
Shot taken with a Canon EOS 60D set on Aperture priority using an EF400mm f/5.6L USM lens. The exposure was taken at 400 mm for 1/750 sec at ƒ / 8.0 using digital film with a speed rating of ISO 400.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


IMG_0388 by Michel (Mike) Soucy
IMG_0388, a photo by Michel (Mike) Soucy on Flickr.
Double Crested Cormorants on a dock. The sunlight was absolutely terrific at this time of day and made for some great captures.
All of these we're taken on tripod.

(c) Copyright Michel (Mike) Soucy.
Shot taken with a Canon EOS 60D set on Aperture priority using an EF400mm f/5.6L USM lens. The exposure was taken at 400 mm for 1/1000 sec at ƒ / 6.7 using digital film with a speed rating of ISO 400.


IMG_0018 by Michel (Mike) Soucy
IMG_0018, a photo by Michel (Mike) Soucy on Flickr.

This little beauty was keeping an eye on me. The day was overcast with a light drizzle.

Heron Portrait.

IMG_0353 by Michel (Mike) Soucy
IMG_0353, a photo by Michel (Mike) Soucy on Flickr.

Another fine morning with great lighting along the St. Lawrence brought new images of herons, geese, and cormorants.

This EF400mm 5.6L series lens rocks!

Early morning portrait of a Great Blue Heron.

(c) Copyright Michel (Mike) Soucy.
Shot taken with a Canon EOS 60D set on Aperture priority using an EF400mm f/5.6L USM lens. The exposure was taken at 400 mm for 1/2000 sec at ƒ / 5.6 using digital film with a speed rating of ISO 400.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


IMG_9933 by Michel (Mike) Soucy
IMG_9933, a photo by Michel (Mike) Soucy on Flickr.

Male Red Wing Blackbird.

IMG_9934 by Michel (Mike) Soucy
IMG_9934, a photo by Michel (Mike) Soucy on Flickr.

What a morning it was!
With a coffee in the car, I head for a spot I had started to frequent spot on the St. Lawrence. It's truly an ideal spot for a quick "drive-by" shoot.

It's close to water with surrounding marshes and plenty of sunrising light. I'll check the sky from my livingroom window before the sun has risen and if the skies are clear, I head out to greet the sun with a newly formatted SD card.

Once I'm there, I pull over, turn the car off, grab the cameras, turn them on, pop off the lens cap, extend the hood on the 400mil, roll my window down for support, and wait and watch. One thing I need to do is get a bean-bag support for the window mounted 400.

It wasn't long before the Red-Wings strated made their way to the cat-tails 15' from the car...and I start firing rapid series of shots.

I can tell when the bird is about to sing, as they start to expand their chest with the wings slightly spread. I need to overexpose (starting at +1/2 stop) to get the detail in the black feathers.

Driving into work shortly afterwards it hard to contain my excitement, cause I knew I had captured some great shots.

Until next time...

Happy shutterbugging!

(c) Copyright Michel (Mike) Soucy.
Shot taken with a Canon EOS 60D set on Aperture priority using an EF400mm f/5.6L USM lens. The exposure was taken at 400 mm for 1/250 sec at ƒ / 5.6 using digital film with a speed rating of ISO 400.