Thursday, July 25, 2013


Have to love the Cheticamp area for it's Bald Eagles! This was taken about ten minutes from the house on the cliffs.

Friday, July 5, 2013


And os up I was this morning at 5:30 after seeing three of her litter playing around next door. I set up my tripod and lens at a spot near a trail with a good view and began shooting the little ones when I notice mother fox appeared out of trail about 15-20' from me. She gave me a steady gaze for about 30 seconds then turned and walked back to the tall grass. The injury is recent, perhaps from a little rough play with one of her kits..

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Been a while and have been delinquent in posting to the blog. Living here in Cheticamp is proving to be quite thrilling! So may things to do and see, it's hard to not always have a camera in my hand. Sightings of moose and various wildlife are a regular occurrence here, with frequent trips into the Cape Breton Highlands National Park.

On Cheticamp Island starting near the beach and going up the top near the cliffs, there's so much to take in from Cormorants, Guillemots, gulls and Razorbills. Soon the eagles will start showing up. On occasion you can also see whales.

More to come!!